This Boy Was Bullied For Growing His Hair. The Reason Behind Will Inspire The World!

Christian McPhilamy long hair to donate cancer patient wig
We grew up in a society that believes that men should have short hair and women should be the only ones to have long hair. So whenever little guys wanted to grow their hair, they are being bullied and teased not just by the people of them age but also the elders.

One of those guys who decided to grow a hair was Christian McPhilamy, a little kid from Florida. Despite the fact that he's being bullied and teased because of his appearance, he still continued and didn't mind what other people will say.

What's more interesting in Christian's story is that he was not just letting his hair grow because he want it to, but he was doing this for a great cause.

Christian McPhilamy long hair to donate cancer patient wig
It all started when he saw a commercial showing sick children who apparently lose their hairs because of the treatments. After watching that commercial, Christian was then inspired to help these children by letting his hair grow until it was ready to donate to Children With Hair Loss.

But Christian's goal was never easy. He needed to bear all of the mocking and teasing for 2 years as his hair grows. What's even worse is that adults mistakenly calls him a girl.

Christian McPhilamy long hair to donate cancer patient wig

Christian even tried to tell everyone the reason behind him growing his hair, and as expected, everyone apologized.
Christian McPhilamy long hair to donate cancer patient wig

Christian McPhilamy long hair to donate cancer patient wig

The big day has come, his hairs are coming to an end. All of his hairs were tied into ponytails for them to easily collect and cut it.

Christian McPhilamy long hair to donate cancer patient wig

His hair was cut into four 10-inch ponytails perfect for making wigs that will surely make other children happy.

After this kid's hair was cut, his hair was banded and and are ready for donation. Christian was all smiles after his hair was cut short. What he did was truly heroic!

Christian McPhilamy long hair to donate cancer patient wig

What do you think of this story? Do you agree that he's indeed a little hero? Share us your thoughts!

Juan Dela Cruz

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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